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Blancoselect Singolo, 512880

Blancoselect Singolo, 512880

Blancoselect Singolo, 512880

Blancoselect Singolo, cupboard door attachment
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Vendor code: 512880
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For light soiling. Place approx. 400 ml of water and a little washing-up liquid in the cooking space and select the cleaning program. The environmentally friendly cleaning system softens burnt-in residues, making them much easier to wipe off afterwards

Blancoselect Singolo, cupboard door attachment

Included in delivery:

  • Plastic bucket total volume 14 L (1 x 14 L)
  • Swings comfortably with the cupboard door
  • Removable lid with practical shelf
  • For mounting in cabinets with 45 cm, 50 cm, or 60 cm
  • also suitable for cassette doors